SDSN and Stuco host 1st inter-house flag football tournament.


A collaborative effort from both the student council and SDSN, we were able to gather the most famous and liked subject teachers from each house, having our tournament centred around their appearances. SDSN chose flag football because of its versatility and popularity among foreign teachers. We wish this can be the initiation of a more holistic and interactive high school sports culture.

Here is the score of the first round and future games:

Photos (Credits: Chandler):

Featuring some student favourites, Mr Almich(Centaurus, left), Mr Illife(Aquila, middle), Mr Embry(Aquila, right).
Collin(Aquila, left), Rex(Centaurus, Right)
Mr Illife, HS principal kicking the ball for the opening.
Team Orion on halftime

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