Seadragons to the PRC exchange in Guangzhou and previewing their remaining season


“Competitive and controverted”
The boy’s basketball team once again participates in the Pearl River Conference, an athletics association connecting all schools in the Pearl River Delta. They had high hopes of going into this tournament, coming in with cohesive chemistry, the Seadragons are taking on the most challenging teams that they have faced this season. The boy’s basketball team fought hard and made it out of Group A as the number 1 seed, from there they will take on Basis International School Shenzhen at 2 pm.

Game 1: TS 51 vs 15 BSG

What the Seadragons demonstrated in game one as to their chemistry, shots making and defence was promising. They were able to carry that energy to game 2 playing against Basis GuangZhou.

Game 2: TS 51: 18 BIGZ

Picture by Andrew

It’s 7-minute quarters, meaning that playing fast-paced is the most ideal for a flowing offence, the Seadragon executed that with proficiency, they emphasised getting early stops with their 22 full-court press defence, which opened many fast break opportunities for them.
In the late third quarter, during an offensive possession of the Seadragons, Eric Dai from G11 was unfortunately injured with bleeding lips, and was sent to the nearest hospital immediately.

Game 3( Finals): TS 28: 34 BISZ

Picture by Andrew

With Eric out of the rotation, the Seadragons lost an offensive anchor point, Senior Rain Cheng was called upon to fill that spot. The game started favouring Seadragons, their defence was very active, tallying up multiple opportunities for fast breaks and open shots. However, their rotation was damaged by the injury of Julian Zhu, Alex Tan, Mike Zhou, and Eric Dai, beyond those who missed the game, hours of competition have exhausted the ones who remain on the court. Thomas Guo and Jackie Fan had developed signs of muscle cramps in their legs and pain in their groin muscles, which led to their underperformance in crucial plays of the game. The Seadragons came into the last quarter only down by 4, however, the opponent was able to exploit their size advantages and created foul troubles for the Seadragons, they allowed too many free throws which gave BISZ a quick scoring run. There were several(3-4) controverted calls by the referees during the last quarter. The Seadragons shot the three ball efficiently during that last quarter, however, they were unable to keep up with the tireless drives of BISZ.

Latest Injury Report as of Dec 10:
Alex Tan: Fever, soon return
Julian: Knee pain, indefinite return time
Eric Dai: Fever, indefinite return time
Thomas Guo: Big toe injury Fever, Indefinite return time.

Previewing the upcoming winter season.

This week has been burdensome for the boy’s basketball team. Many team members are encountering unexpected injuries at this untimely moment. It is vague as to how the rotation will look like for the rest of December. Even if all situations are eased and the Seadragons returns with a full roster, there will be inevitable downfalls in several members’ contribution to the game as compared to before. Alex Tan, the G11 junior has missed 2 weeks of training already due to fever and lung problems. Eric Dai, injured from the PRC tournament, unfortunately, didn’t escape the recent fever. Julian Zhu, playing with an underlying injury has worsened his symptoms and stagnated his recovery.

The Seadragons at 8 in the morning, picture by Thomas

When one encounters physical injuries, it often takes about 1 to 2 weeks to fully recover. On the other hand, the now contagious fever has caught up to many bodies. Weakening one’s overall athleticism, decision-making, and arousal. It’s a major question as to how will the remaining members navigate through this harsh December. With 50% of the juniors uncertain of their return. The shortened roster will also bring challenges to the Head coach of the boy’s basketball team, Mr Neb, as to how will he maintain the team’s progression with limited hands.

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